Romans 13:1-7 "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
I have been praying about writing this for some time now. It's been stirring in my spirit for awhile as this particular scripture is the main one that Christianity and the "church" uses as evidence for believers to submit to the civil government(s), participate in civil affairs and pay taxes. This particular scripture is taught that it is our duty to support the civil authorities under which we dwell.
When we look back to the time when Jesus was walking among man, Rome was the civil government and King Herod's was the nation's. The people were under terrible tax oppression. They had to pay taxes to Caesar and they had to also pay their taxes that Herod was imposing AND the temple tax (tithe) to support the temple rulership. The tax collectors then added more on top of that to skim off the top, further extorting the people's hard earned labors and leaving them in terrible distress, thus the reason why the tax collectors were so despised.
We find in Luke 23:2 the accusations the people made toward Jesus before Pilate as they: "began to accuse him, saying, “We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Christ, a king.” They were accusing Jesus of subverting Herod's government and opposing Roman rule. Elsewhere, when accused directly, Jesus said to render to Caesar what belongs to Ceasar and to God what belongs to God. These seem somewhat contradictory and confusing don't they? But let me make my point ....... The people ACCUSED Jesus of subverting the nation (Israel, Herod) and OPPOSING payment of taxes to Caesar (Rome - civil)! What?!?! Jesus OPPOSED payment of taxes to the civil government? Taxes to Caesar were SO unimportant to Jesus that He sent Peter for a fish to get the Roman tax from it's mouth showing us that God will provide to the civil authorities!
To further enhance the point I want to make in this message, let me add one more scripture that's been taken out of context (I'm quite sure there are more than this but you'll get the drift). In 1 Timothy 2:1-4 we find Paul instructing Timothy thus: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." Kings? Wait! Rome didn't have a king! Israel did!
Now I'm probably gonna ruffle a BUNCH of feathers with what I'm about to say - one brother in particular maybe that I've already had a similar conversation with. If so, I hope you will prayerfully consider these things and search them out for yourself and see if the Holy Spirit does not show you the same thing. So here goes.....
We have been duped. We have believed a lie that we owe our allegiance to the civil governments of this world. Using these scriptures to make that case is error - and here's why.
Who are the authorities that Paul is referring to in Romans and Timothy? Are they REALLY civil authorities? Paul said "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." He specifically identifies who these authorities are - they are the ones that are established by God. What has ever been established by God? The Torah government. Those in authority of THAT government are the spiritual authorities and the only authorities that Paul is referring to here. The tax was to the Torah government for the caretaking of all of GOD's business. Careful reading of Romans 13 will prove out that the entire passage is relating to rebelling against God's established authority in the earth - not civil as we know it. Civil is man's government, NOT God's. Does the federal government of the United States adhere to Torah governing standards? NO. This government is committing murder, thievery, idolatry, adultery, and a whole host of other sins against God. Does the UK? NO. Is there ANY nation on the earth today that adheres to these standards? NO - NOT EVEN ISRAEL. ALL are civil governments EXCEPT the Islamic ones who rule by Sharia law.
In the United States, the government is not ruled by just and righteous men who love and serve the words of Almighty God, though I'm sure there are some in elected office who are believers. God has NOT established the government of the United States. It was NOT founded on christian principles as many believe - it was founded on the ideals of men of whom some were godly. But the foundational priniciples are civil, not spiritual. Man did and still continues to believe otherwise. The result? MASSIVE INJUSTICE. WORLDWIDE!! I will not support that. My allegiance lies in God's government - the kingdom. We have NO KINGS today. We have ONLY Caesars who have set themselves up as God and rule oppressively over the people. Yet we stand in the guise of patriotism and allegiance to an unholy thing. Much of Christiandom in the United States - especially the conservatives - have made the United States an idol of sorts. Pledging allegiance to a flag that they believe stands for freedom, but in fact really stands for dominion. Now that is not to say that we don't have freedoms - we have FAR more than any country on earth. BUT..... Just try to break any one of the civil laws - or even try to not publicly pledge allegiance to the flag and see how free you really are! The police and civil authorities have been given rulership over the people and the poorer you are the worse it is. The rich can be arrested but they have enough money to buy their way out of the system. The poor don't. Don't believe me? Visit any criminal court hearing in this land and just listen. They are debtor's prisons. Jesus said "when I was in prison you did not visit me". We have taken that to mean we need prison visitation ministries. And those are good - by all means - they are very good! But think about this. Who were the ones inprisoned when Jesus said this? They were the poor who couldn't pay the taxes. Some were murderers and thieves for sure. And some, I'm sure were evil. But the vast majority were there simply because they were poor.
Now, don't get me wrong here - I'm not calling for a rebellion against the civil governments. Jesus didn't, I won't either - he said give to Caesar what belongs to him, and I will. But I won't give allegiance to him. My allegiance lies only in and within the Kingdom of God as it rules in my heart. I will keep the civil laws because I know what man's laws have the power to do - but not out of fear, simply out of obedience to live peacefully and uprightly before my fellow man. For I have been on the brunt end of the government's authorities and it's not pleasant. They smeared me and my family unmercifully and wrongfully - these things will haunt me the rest of my days. BUT what the adversary meant for harm, God has meant for good and works all things together for good.
Today I have a very dear friend and brother who has been horribly and wrongfully accused of a crime he did not commit. His life stands in the balance simply because someone decided to harm him and the civil authorities took pleasure in honoring that one's wishes, even physical abuse. I stand in prayer with and beside him and believe that God will deliver him and reveal His glory in the doing of it. But let me tell you - it's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of those who have the power to kill you. Jesus told us about that. He said not to fear man who can kill the body - but rather fear the one who has the power to send both body and soul to hell. So that's the side I'm on.
Here we are.............. We are in the beginning of sorrows. It's not my intent to be grim here, but I do want to give a wake up call. If you are a true believer, then give your allegiance where it belongs. Rightly divide the scripture and don't take other people's word for stuff - not even, and especially mine. Pray fervently for yourself and your family. Pray for one another. Stand with one another. Love one another - see that your brothers and sisters have no needs among you. By THIS will ALL MEN KNOW that we are HIS. As we move forward closer and closer to His coming things will get much worse. They WILL hate us BECAUSE of HIM. They will throw us in prison. They will and can take from us. They can harm us. But they cannot take our spirit and we will overcome. Jesus said "he who endures to the end......." May we ALL endure to the end.
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